
I cried aloud to the Lord, and he answered me from his holy hill. Psalm 3:4

When was the last time your cried out to God?  When was the last time you even thought about possibly crying out to God?  Do you regularly find yourself in a place where this posture would even be appropriate?  If crying out to God is not a regular occurrence then the problem is most likely that we fail to recognize how hopeless our situation is.  We only cry out to God if we feel we desperately need Him.  When illness or tragedy strikes we cry out to God for Him to comfort and heal.  When financial woes weigh us down we may cry out to Him to provide.  When the brokenness of relationships veils its ugly face we cry out to God to mend.  This is all appropriate and should be done whenever these life circumstances creep up on us.  However, this posture of crying should be much more regular than the occasional hardness of life.  The awareness of the depth of our own sin and the struggle to pursue holiness, the darkness of our own hearts and the need for a Savior and the chasing after lifeless idols instead of toward the Holy God should all make us acutely aware of how much we need God…now…daily…constantly…forever.  The cry of the Christian should be as common as his praise.  Our awareness of our need for God should walk right alongside of our thankfulness for who He is and what He has done.  When we begin to forget our need for God we begin to forget about God altogether.  Is life a struggle?  Cry out to God!  Is life joyous?  Cry out to God!  Is life normal?  Cry out to God!  

Church, may we never forget how much we need God and may never cease to cry out to Him for His help.  Would we long for Him to save us, sanctify us, heal us, comfort us and be near us.  We always need God!  Just as a baby cries constantly for her milk because she must have it to survive, would we cry out with the same zeal knowing that our survival is on the line as well.  And would we know the power of the Psalmist’s words that when we cry God does indeed answer!

PRAYER OF THE DAY: God, thank you that we can cry out to.  Thank you that you hear us.  Help me to see my need for You and to cry to You out of that need. 

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